Day Three, 12:50pm
Okay so posting didn't go so well yesterday. I went to a double feature and was gone for about five hours, and stupidly I didn't bring any of the concoction with me. I could tell my blood sugar was so, so low -- I got really withdrawn and spacy and cranky. Getting home from the theater is kind of a blur. I'm somewhat hypoglycemic so this is something I've dealt with since childhood. Ask my mom. Her favorite story is about how she used to carry candy around in her purse for me. Good times!
Anyway I drank one when I got home and started feeling better pretty quickly. Which is good because I was reminding myself of Shelby in Steel Magnolias. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here!" I realized I only drank two and a half bottles all day and that was totally not enough. Today I'm shooting for four.
I went to bed around 10:30ish and slept very well. In fact, the past two nights feel like the best sleep I've gotten in months. Maybe it's the change in weather, or the fact that we've been sleeping in the living room where the fan is, but whatever it is, I'm happy about it. Today, I feel pretty great.
I started out with another salt flush, and even though it's gross I kind of like it. I'd like to do it again tomorrow morning, but I have an 8am dentist's appointment, so I'm not sure logistically how that's going to work. I can't really picture telling my dentist that I need to get up mid-filling because salt water is about to come shooting out of my butt.
Anyway, my junk food cravings have mostly subsided. I still want to eat -- oh god do I want to eat -- but at the same time I'm at peace with the fact that I'm not going to. I just ran out to buy more lemons (and limes!) and I had total tunnel vision in the store. Nothing but citrus fruits caught my eye.
I just made my first lime version and can I say that it really doesn't taste any different?
Mood: good
Mental: let you know when I start working
Physical: great but I exhaust easily
Hunger: under control
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